Friday, February 20, 2009


For my first blog entry I decided that I should better explain my name. It's kinda weird, kinda random... doesn't really make that much sense. Not yet, anyways. 
Everybody in my family has a nickname. I don't care who you are or how you are related to my family, but if you have had any contact with us you will undoubtedly walk away with a nickname. It can be a name that describes your personality, or a name that was a derived from a funny situation involving you, or a name that makes fun of some defect on your body. It could be anything. If you don't have a nickname then that means my family probably doesn't love you. 
So back to Mooser. My middle name is VanNuys..... pronounced "va-nice". It's a family name that has been passed down through the girls of the Pendergrass side of the family. I have no idea what it means. Over the years my middle has morphed into what is now my family nickname. Here's the flow chart of how that happened: 
VanNuys - Vamoose - Moose - Mooser

And that's pretty much it. That's how it happened. Here are the nicknames of my siblings just to give you more examples: Ruth - Soof,  Noah- Hoop,  Peter- Stir. 
hmmm... weird, I just noticed that all my other siblings' names consist of only 4 letters. I guess it's just cause I'm the oldest and I'm the most special (You know it's true, Ruth) 
So that's the story behind "Mooser". Nothing too complicated or indepth. The "long-legged" part is kinda obvious... I'm rather tall so that part just fits. 
Well, I think that's all I have for my first post. Kinda lame, I know, but you'll get over it. I'm a pretty bad typer so I'm sure I left out a bunch of words and misspelled some things, but I'm too lazy to go back and proof read this. I'm sure someone will do it for me and email me with all the typos. 


  1. You mean, most special = mom and dad felt sorry for you because i am the most beautiful

  2. i couldn't find any typos or misspelled words:):) and i have only one correction- vannuys comes from the hornbuckle side of the family- you know mamaw grass was originally a hornbuckle and it was her name. she isn't really a blood pendergrass just a married pendergrass. and about the motorcycle part-where did i fail?

  3. yea!!! Sara has a blog!!


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