Monday, August 31, 2009

Google Ads Gone Wild

What in the world have you been blogging about?

Ruth has signed up for Google AdSense or whatever that thing is called where it posts ads related to whatever you have blogged. It's a really clever idea for google... I'm sure they make tons of money by their little deal.
Anyway I was browsing through Ruth's blog the other day and I look over at the ad glaring me in the face. WHAT? What kind of ad is this on my baby sister's blog. Holy crap!!!
She claims that she hasn't written anything out of the ordinary. I guess Google decided to go a little wild and crazy for the day.
"Geez, Ruth... you should censor your stuff more... kids could be reading your blog!!!"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mr. Sandman, Bring me a dream...

Since Ruth decided to share her horrific dream she had about me the other night on her blog, I decided that I needed to share my dream about her. We must have some weird sister brain connection cause we had these dreams on the same night.
Here is my dream about her:

Ruth and I were in this huge hotel .... I have no idea why... and Ruth thought it would be a great idea to try heroin. She said that being pregnant made her have this huge craving for heroin and she just had to try it. So she orders some from room service and they brought it up to her. I begged and pleaded with her do not do it. "please, please don't do that heroin, Ruth. It's bad for the babies. You have to think about them over your cravings." But she wouldn't listen to me.. she just had to try it. So I left Ruth and the twins with the heroin.

The rest of my dream consisted of my car being stolen from the parking deck of the hotel. I was devastated cause my Mac was in the car.
So that's it. That's my story about my dream.

I am a cannibal and Ruth likes heroin.